Hvaš heimurinn er aš tala um:

 Ég fékk  eftirfarandi póst įframsendan rétt fyrir jól frį vinkonu į Filippseyjum; hann var greinilega bśinn aš fara vķša og valda tilfinningalegu fjašrafoki hjį viškvęmum sįlum (enda svo sem engar landslagsmyndir į feršinni og stór orš): Ég sį mig tilneyddan til aš svara žessu og svariš finniš žiš nešar (ég hvet ykkur til aš lesa žaš ķ žessu samhengi ):    



This happens in Denmark

[Žessar myndir voru fleiri ķ žessum dśr en ég held aš žetta dugi]

This brutality happens every year, Dantesque, bloody slaughter in the Faroe Islands, which belongs to Denmark .
A country supposedly 'civilized' and a EUROPEAN UNION country. For many people this cruel practice is unknown, how insensitive!
This bloody slaughter is just to attend Moz to 'show' entering adulthood! It's absolutely incredible that nobody dares to do something to prevent this barbaric act that is committed against Calderon, an intelligent dolphin who has the peculiarity of approaching people out of sheer curiosity.
On a group of islands just north of Europe, the traditional bloody whale and dolphin slaughter takes place every year. The Faroe Islands are a part of Denmark, where whaling is banned, but they have laws that are independent of Denmark's laws, so they are allowed to continue with this mass execution. Year after year, thousands of pilot whales, beaked whales and dolphins are chased into the bay by boats, where they are slaughtered.
Metal hooks are driven into the stranded mammals' blowholes before their spines are cut. The animals slowly bleed to death. Whole families are slaughtered, and some whales swim around in their family members' blood for hours. Whales and dolphins are highly intelligent creatures and feel pain and fear every bit as much as we do.

Forward this to everyone, PLEASE! Let the whole world know.
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Hverju ég svaraši į eftirfarandi hįtt:


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Pétur Arnar Kristinsson" <park314@gmail.com>
To: ----------------------
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2008 07:12:36 +0000
Subject: Re: Fw: DENMARK: WHAT A SHAME!!!
(see original message to which this is a reply below...way below)

Yes you“re absolutely right my dear; this doesn“t look pretty:

then again have you been to a slaughterhouse lately/ever to see your sweet future hamburger
or steak being put to death?
You think cows don“t sense death coming or feel pain?

-I“m sorry to break this to you all but in case you haven“t
 We“re at the top of the food chain!

   As for the extremely friendly and hospitable people of the Faroe islands..(to you "Far-away-islands" no doubt ) living on a small island in the middle of the unforgiving North-Atlantic Sea  this "barbarism" is what has kept them alive through the ages..
Granted: Life is different now in many respects but I think all you Tropical-beach-livin“-Disney-World whale/dolphin-lovers (and don-t get me wrong I love our fellow living creatures with which we share this planet as much as anybody... )  should very  be careful in judging such practices:

I“ll take another "Danish" example  :
Greenland;  home of some indigenous Inuite people that for thousands of years had
 lived in harmony with nature and off whatever She would provide (which in the freezing  near-polar regions isn“t all that much) 
saw their way of life and very existence threatened due to pressure from some armchair Extremist* Animal Rights Groups [EARGs as I like to call them] they“d hever heard of to stop "seal-slaughtering"... 

And yes!: Seals are magnificent and cute creatures,  but they too have to eat...
And then of course there are the tragically soon-to-be-extinct Polar Bears [Now there“s a CAUSE for you guys!] who feed on seals!! 
And let me assure you Bears  don“t kill  by leathal injection!!  There“s blood and pain and gore
And I“m sure
that if that seal had a human brain his last thoughts would be
"Oh, Seal!: This sucks!  God!: Why Oh why  didn“t Thou put me higher in the food chain??  -Or at least
give me opposable thumbs so that I might  build weapons from clamshells and whalebones with which to
 protect myself from those beastly bears!???!
[I mean, it“s not like I“d go make nuclear bombs or anything stupid like that... honest!]"

It “s Nature.

 And there are pressure groups  that would like to see all whaling banned (regardless of species);
Well, whaling was banned
for a long time in Iceland due to such pressure: And the whale population grew - eating up a lot of fish - and grew
to such numbers that here in  Iceland“s bayside Capital of Reykjavik you could hardly look out the window anymore
without  spotting a whale  or two coming up for air..!! 

 And yes,  we humans have a tendancy to disrupt Nature“s delicate balance:
 Homo sapiens sapiens industrialius  [read: HSS post industrial revolution}
definately constitutes the worst ecological disaster since the the Comet that wiped out the dinosaurs!
-I won“t argue with you on that!
And personally I“d much rather the  delicous smoked lamb I“ll be
having on Christmas Eve had grown on a tree somewhere .but you know what: Such is life and Nature:
And we
are a part of it.
   That lamb has lived a short but happy life grazing in the
Icelandic Mountains.. before dying so tha I - and some other fortunate people might feast on it;
remembering another Lamb that gave His life for mankind. [For  the non-Christians among
you that Lamb“s name is Jesus Christ, you may have heard of him...? ;-)]   

And Giving thanks.
And for the whales as well and all that we enjoy and many take for granted.

Happy Holidays!!

Pétur A  Kristinsson

* I am sure that many Animal rights groups and such do a great job;  only I believe that extremism
-ANY KIND OF EXTREMISM- IS DANGEROUS! (I guess that“s sort of my bottom line here):
So people: Beware and be aware:
Yes. Global warming is a fact: BUT Is it all our fault or did we just accelerate the inevitable?
Yes this and yes that:  We live in uncertain times:  BUT is  the situation as bad (or good) as some would have it?:
Or is someone just trying to sell us something??

And a
Happy New Year!!

P-S:You can forward this as you please.


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